Visions of an Icon: Wolverine and Jubilee by Jonathon Dalton

By day Jonathon Dalton is an elementary school teacher in the town of Mission, just outside Vancouver. By night his main ambition seems to be drawing comics, a few of which have been published, and most of which are on his website. Some day he hopes to get paid for the comics he makes. Jonathon has also lived in Toronto, the United States, Taiwan, and Britain, though he swears he is staying put from now on.


The piece shown above is one of over 40 pieces of original artwork featuring Wolverine donated to the Joe Shuster Awards for the Visions of an Icon Art Show and Sale by Canadian artists. The pieces were exhibited twice in 2009 – at the Joe Shuster Awards Ceremony in September and at the Speakeasy Comic Art Show in November. The original art pieces will be auctioned off on eBay in March 2010. Watch for announcements on this site!

Every day we will try to post an original piece and some information on the artist(s) that donated the work.